Monday, July 11, 2011

A little bit about Egypt!

Egypt has 85 million, we were in Cairo it had 25 Million in a city designed for 250, thousand they are very crowded.  Out of all of Egypt they only use 6% of their land the rest is total desert, believe me we drove7hr and saw only check points and limited inhabitants and as far as you can see all around was desert.  The pyramid are right on the edge of town.  The day before we got there there were 1.2 million people protesting in the square where the Egyptian Museum is. They burned the national Democratic building as part of the protest against the X-government. From the time they picked us up we had to have a guard with us, this is thanks to our government who said (in the 80's) they will only allowed us (tourist) to come over if the Egyptian government supplied us protection. In January they over thought the government Mubarak the president and his two son and all the Parliament are in jail. Egypt is in transition, and boy do they need to be! Very rich government very poor people it is overwhelming to think how much money they have for example they own the Suez canal and it generated 8.4 billion dollars last year. They live as a third world country, they could be so much more if they had the right government! So bravo to the people for standing up to the corruption!! I didn't see one house everyone lives in flats and they are not very pretty eek.. I would not want to do my job here!! The filth and trash was appalling, We are so blessed so blessed!!!!
National Democratic building

Flats, mostly government housing only the high government owns property.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are enjoying yourself! Jordyn and I are missing grammi! Love you!


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