Cairo is one big city Oh my Goosh 25 million people! The Nile river (the one God had Moses turned to blood) runs through it, you know where the river is it's the only green in Cairo! It's desert and concrete very different. Yes it is a clear day, I think they call it smog here too! Hot and humid
The Pyramids were amazing, Susan and I walk in one 100ft, well you don't walk you go down back words and hunch, that was a trip to go down into it at the end was what looked like spots for a mummy. I told Susan to lay down in it so I could get a picture LOL I don't have a picture!

You can's see me but.. I'm the speck of white about six steps up lol notice the people to the left the steps are almost as tall as them, this is one giant pyramid 496 feet tall, doesn't seem that it is correct when you are standing next to it!
This was the only picture I got of the Egyptian Museum, you were not allowed to bring cameras. There were guards everywhere, you had to put your stuff through a x-ray and walk through a metal detector. The museum was incrediable everything in it was so old lol I was really amazed at what they have preserved and the condition most things were in. CRAZY we needed two days there just to walk by everything it was so big!
I'm so jealous Aunt Diane! I hope you having fun!