Tuesday, July 12, 2011

More Pictures of our hike up Mt. Sinai

What we have all been waiting for! SUNRISE!!!tons of people from all walks of life, they say during tour season they have 2000 pp a day. I would not want to be on this mountain with 2000 pp so praise God we are in the slow season!
I walked where Moses went and got the 10 commandments, wonder if he was this close to the edge of the cliff? probably not

This speaks for itself, no words can discribe the awesome wonder of our God!!

more to come gotta go to bed, I'm behind this is day 5 it's 10:30 at night I have a 630 wake up call and I'm going on day 7 so hang with me it takes time to down load the photos! Blessing on your day or night lol! Miss ya Doug! Love ya bunches, hugs OXOX

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