Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I believe God!

It was a while ago my husband (Doug) asked me, If I believe in God or Believe God! Only to finish with the devil believes in God. I thought for a while, not long, because I do believe God! He said he will finish the good work he started in me! I believe He will and is. So hang on, He is not finished with me yet. I see Him daily in my walk working on me, teaching me,  and yes at times He is disappointed and gives me a taste of what I deserve! but.. He will never leave me nor forsake me, amen! I believe He gives us the desires of our hearts if we are seeking Him! (prayer is me talking to God) I believe the bible is a living word, inspired by God left for us as an instruction book to guide our life (reading the bible is God talking to me) and for things past and things to come! And he is coming again! I believe God just so you know!

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