Friday, July 1, 2011

Just around the corner!

I'm so ready, so I think... lol   I walked rocky drive, today from my house up over and over and up, took me 1 hr 15 min. I only stopped once to take in the view, I was thinking Mt. Sinai here I come! This was at 530 in the morning. Doug is always watching out for me bless his heart! I so proudly told him my accomplishment,  and his reply was now do it in the heat of the day eek.... why? I asked? he said because Mt. Sinai in the morning will be like me doing it in the heat of the day so I have a challenge I  will let you  know if I pass hehe
I'm so excited it is so close I can bearly think of anything else!!

Happy Bithday Amy! Love and Miss ya, MOM

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