Wednesday, July 13, 2011

And more of Mt. Sinai

Susan's friend, sharing the same road with the camels was a bit un-nerving for me, a little healthy fear of bigger animals?? okay animals in general lol
This is a coffee shop (-:
St. Catherine's Monastery in the distance, this is where the burning bush is located. They say it is the only kind of bush of it's type. They even tried to graft it but could never do it.
This is an off shoot of the burning bush, the mother bush is housed under the monastery.

This is a rock with vains going through it that looks like the burning bush also only found in this area. 

I walked where Moses walked! I am so thankful to be here and journey through Exodus, I am learning so much, It's  truly a living word, what a blessing. I know the Lord is taking care of things at home. I send my love to all!!

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